What follows is a brief description of some of the safety measures we have adapted at our camp, and is only intended for the purpose of giving you an idea of how we do things. Details and guidelines on each of these items and much more can be found in our parent and staff handbooks.
The safety of our children is always our number one priority; it is the yardstick by which we measure if we engage in an activity or not.
Every season our camp is inspected and all aspects of camp are reviewed by the local health board.
We employ a Health Director (EMT) on staff at all times. This person's job is limited to the health and well being of campers and staff, treat minor injuries, and oversee the health program at camp.
Routine bus and fire drills are conducted regularly to ensure we are all familiar with emergency evacuation procedures.
Pool safety include rules for children and staff described in our staff and parent handbooks. Certified life guards are on duty at all times while children are at the pool.
Children and staff are never allowed to share food for allergy reasons. All eating and serving utensils used for meals and snacks are disposable.
Daily disinfecting of commonly used things such as door knobs and faucets help prevent the spreading of viruses.
The entire facility is cleaned daily including vacuuming, washing floors and tables, bathrooms disinfected, and garbage cans emptied.
Children always wash hands before meals and snacks and after using the bathroom.
The safety and security of our campers is our first priority.
FLJDC is fully insured and licensed as a Day Camp by the State of NJ, which means that we follow all the state regulations with regard to safety and health.
We are also accredited by the American Camping association.
Click for info on accreditation.
FLJDC is inspected annually by the local health department.
Our security procedures and practices have been put in place to help ensure the safety of our children. These practices are in conjunction with the advice and help of security professionals in this specific field. Specific security details are never made public. We are able to share that we have armed security guards, who are former police officers, on campus during all open camp hours. The building is always locked, doors lock automatically, and security cameras cover the entire campus and constantly monitored. Playing fields are fenced in.
All visitors, including parents, must stop at the camp office to get a camp visitor’s pass. No one besides campers, camp staff, and Yeshivat Noam staff is allowed in the building without a camp visitor’s pass.
Other basic security procedures include daily, trip, and swim attendance, pick up & drop off policy, and authorized pick up policy which prohibit anyone other than an authorized person to pick up children.