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​You can help children experience summer camp

like all other kids in their community

The Fair Lawn Jewish Day Camp is a not for profit summer camp dedicated to enriching the lives of children from diverse Jewish backgrounds and affiliations through a stimulating camping experience.​

We believe that Summer Camp is an integral part of a child’s education and that all children regardless of their financial status should have the opportunity to spend their summer at a camp. To this end we have established the Camp Scholarship Fund, enabling children from low income families to attend.​

The application is discreet and respectful of individual’s financial information. Our volunteer based committee reviews all applications and appropriates funds based on availability and need.​ We have provided scholarships to many children over the years, and with your help will continue to do so. 

​You can help children experience summer camp like all other kids in their community.​​

If you or someone you know would be interested in helping children go to camp, or you own a business that would be interested in marketing to our diverse camp community and helping children in the process, please contact Rabbi Mendel asap at 201.791.7200 or

100% of your contribution is tax deductible and goes directly to the scholarship fund to help kids go to camp. The scholarship fund enables children to experience the summer of a lifetime. All children deserve to go to camp, as it is an important part of childhood and Jewish education. Help us make this dream come true for all the children in our community!


Fair Lawn Jewish Day Camp

30-02 Fair Lawn Avenue

Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

201.791.7200 Ext. 4

Rabbi Mendel & Elke Zaltzman

Camp Directors

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