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How can I enroll my child?Our camper enrollment is all online. Click Here To enroll to camp, you need to submit a Camper Enrollment, health history, as well as a $250 non-refundable deposit. Your enrollment and health history will be reviewed within two weeks of submission, usually faster. If accepted, the payment plan you chose during enrollment will go into effect, using the same payment method you used for deposit and your enrollment will be complete. If we are unable to accept your enrollment, or have any questions, we will be in touch with you within two weeks of enrollment and before any further payments are made.
What are the 2025 dates of camp?Camp will begin on Thursday, June 26, 2025. Our last day of camp will be on Wednesday, August 13, 2025. Camp will be closed on Friday, July 4, 2024 in observance of Independence Day.
How much does camp cost?Pricing and discounts can be found on our “Dates & Rates” page.
Where is Fair Lawn Jewish Day Camp located?Camp is located at the Yeshivat Noam campus located 70 West Century Road in Paramus, NJ.
What is your refund policy?REFUND POLICY FLJDC spends most of the tuition it collects before camp begins, makes deposits, reservations and hires staff based on the numbers of children enrolled. Enrolling to camp is your commitment that your child will attend camp and your agreement to that FLJDC spend your tuition funds before camp begins. Therefore, there can be no refunds or deductions from tuition for any reason, including without limitation to the following: 1. FLJDC will not offer, and parents/campers will not be entitled to any refunds or deductions from tuition for any reason including, without limitation: A. Cancelations to enrollment for any reason, arriving late, leaving early, vacations, holidays, missed weeks, missed days, missed trips, sick days for any health reason, injury or Covid, cancelations to enrollment for any reason, or suspension/expulsion from camp for any behavioral reasons. B. If a camper is otherwise unable to attend camp or participate in camp activities for any reason. C. If camp is suspended or closed due to a health or pandemic related reason, or due to government suspension or closure of camp, unless otherwise stated online under Covid Refund Policy. 2. All requests for refunds, credits or changes in enrollment must be submitted in an email to the camp office. The date of the first written request for a refund will be used to determine the refund amount based on the dates below. Verbal requests for refunds or changes cannot be honored. After March 1st there is an administration cost of $25 to change an enrollment. 3. If a refund is issued, it is based on the remaining enrollment after cancelation or actual camp attendance. The refund will be the balance left after those charges are applied. This means the refund will not be prorated based on the total before cancelation; instead, it will be calculated according to the remaining enrollment. An enrollment/session/week not eligible for refund is considered a remaining enrollment. 4. Camp tuition consist of two parts: 1) Deposit Amount. 2) Camp Tuition. 'Deposit amount' is not refundable. Credit Card and bank fees are not refundable. The FLJDC refund schedule of 'Camp Tuition' is as follows: • 100% refund for cancelation before March 1 of the current camp season. • 50% refund for cancelation before May 1 of the current camp season. • 20% refund for cancelation before June 1 of the current camp season. • No refunds will be made after June 1 of the current camp season.
What are the camp hours?Monday – Friday 9 am – 4 pm. See dates and rates page for more details.
Do you offer extra care?We do our best to accommodate working parents by offering extra care Monday – Friday from 8 – 9 am and again from 4:15 – 5:00 pm. The cost of extra care can be found on our “Camp Extra Care” page.
Why do you charge for Extra Care?At Fair Lawn Jewish Day Camp we are committed to making sure your children have the best possible experience, for the best value. As such we set the tuition prices based on the experiences offered to each individual child - quality programs, activities, food, trips, coaches, and counselors. In order to help keep prices competitive, we do not charge everyone for "extras" that not everyone needs, (such as busing, extra care, swim lessons for older divisions) unless you need it! This allows everyone to enjoy a lower camp cost and pay only for what extras they need and actually use.
How are the campers organized?We have 4 divisions at camp: Kiddie Camp: children 3 & 4 years old K Juniors: children entering K in the upcoming school year. Juniors: children entering 1&2 grades in the upcoming school year. Pioneers: children entering grades 3-5 in the upcoming school year. Adventure Camp: children entering grades 6-8 in the upcoming school year. For the Kiddie Camp, campers are in classes ranging from 10-15 campers. Each class has 1 teacher and 2 assistants. In the Junior division, Pioneer division, and Adventure Camp our bunks range in size from 12-15 campers each, with 2 counselors per bunk. Each division is also devided by gender and has approximately 4 bunks with its own Division Head. Our bunks are separate gender, with the exception of Kiddie Camp, which is co–ed. We maintain a minimum ratio of 1:9 counselors to campers for all divisions and 1:6 in Kiddie Camp, in accordance with the NJ Youth Camp Safety Standards.
What are the pick up times?Pick Up for Junior Division begins at 3:45 PM and ends at 4:14 PM. You will not be charged for after care until 4:15pm.
How can I request friends for my child’s bunk?On your child’s “Camper Information Form”, the 6th question is labeled “Friend Request.” In this field you may list up to three friends. PLEASE NOTE: (From the camp parent agreement) "I understand that FLJDC will do its best to place my child/ren in the groups and/or with the friends that I have requested, with no guarantees. FLJDC reserves the right to, in its sole discretion, place campers in the bunks and/or groups that it believes is in the child's and FLJDC's best interest, regardless of what parents have requested verbally or in writing." Once children are placed no changes will be made for the first 2 weeks of camp. To access the Camper Information Form after you have registered please follow these steps: 1. Log into your camp account 2. From the top menu bar select 'Additional Options' 3. From that drop down menu select 'Document Center' 4. Under the 'Camper Forms' section on the left side, select 'Camper Information Form'
How old are the counselors? Are they trained?We understand that the experience your child will have at camp will be largely impacted by their wonderful counselors. We take pride in the maturity and responsibility of our staff, and our youngest counselors are 16 years old. At least one counselor in each bunk is a high school graduate. Our Camp prides itself on its exceptional staff. All staff come with prior camp or youth related experience and a desire to work with kids. Bunks are well staffed. Electives are run by professional instructors. We take great pride in our commitment to recruiting, training and keeping the highest quality staff in the camping profession. Over the years, FLJDC has always been dedicated to small groups with exceptional staff supervision. This ensures the best possible care, instruction and supervision for our campers. Our counselors are all certified in CPR and First Aid, highly trained, dedicated, and experienced.
Do you have a nurse or EMT on campus?We employ a Health Director (EMT) on staff at all times. This person's job is limited to the health and wellbeing of campers and staff, treating minor injuries, and overseeing the health program at camp. In addition all of our staff participate in training before camp begins and are certified in CPR and First Aid.
Must campers wear a camp T-shirt every day?No, we do not require that all campers wear a Camp T-shirt each day. However while on field trips camp shirts are required. Since all camp staff and campers wear camp shirts, we are instantly recognizable to each other. Additionally, on our camp picture day all campers will be required to wear a camp shirt. Pionneer Division receives two camp shirts and Adventure Campers receive three camp shirts.
Is the camp nut-free?We are a nut-free and seed-free camp. The food that we serve contains no trace of peanuts, tree nuts, or seeds and our policy is that any food sent along with your children to camp must contain no nuts or seeds, or traces of nuts or seeds. Please note this includes Bamba!
Is day camp tax-deductible?Day camp tuition is eligible for Child Care/Dependent Care Reimbursement through your employer, or as a straight deduction on your taxes, ask your tax professional how. Many of our camp families take advantage of this. Our Tax ID is located at the top right of your camp statement. Instructions for downloading and printing your camp statement are on your account page in your online camp account.
How can I check my tuition balance or scheduled payments?By following these 3 easy steps! 1. Log into your camp account 2. Click on 'My Account' on the top right 3. In the Financial section click on 'My Trnasactions' or 'My Statements'
How can I access my financial statement to submit for tax or reimbursement paperwork?Statements only show online in your account if there is an outstanding balance. If you need a copy of your statement that shows charges and payments, please email our office and we will email it to you
Can I cancel my daily transportation?Should your daily transportation needs change, and you wish to cancel your transportation registration, you will need to notify our office, via email, no later than the Tuesday prior to the week you wish to cancel. At that time we will confirm our ability to cancel the transportation and issue you a refund for the future weeks. After Tuesday of the preceding week, no refund will be made.
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